Does Casey Anthony Make the Decisions for Her Defense?

13 Nov

On July 14, 2010, the defense for Casey Anthony inspected numerous pieces of evidence held by the state of Florida.  Jose Baez, lead defense attorney, made comments to the press which may be found in video and printed form at the following links.

Kathi Belich: “How many tests would you say that you are going to ask for based on what you’ve seen so far?”

Jose Baez: “I don’t know. I’m not the experts. They tell me what they think, we take it from there and I make the decisions.”

Kathi Belich: “Are you going to ask taxpayers to pay for their transportation?”

Jose Baez: “You and your taxpayer nonsense.”

“I don’t know.” – A strong and honest statement.  Mr. Baez does not know.

“I’m not the experts” – Another strong statement.  Mr. Baez is not the “experts”.

“They tell me what they think” – The experts tell Mr. Baez what they “think”, not what they know or what they learned, but what they “think”.

“we take it from there” – Mr. Baez taking responsibility for what the experts “think” is sensitive for Mr. Baez, who changes from the strength of “I” statements to the vagueness of an undefined “we”.  “We take it”, not Mr. Baez.  Where is “from there”?  What is “we” taking”?  Where is “we” taking it to?  “Take” implies hostility.  It was not given, it was taken.  It was not received, it was taken.  What is “it”?  Who is taking what where?

“and I make the decisions” – Mr. Baez makes the “decisions”.  Casey Anthony does not “make the decisions”.  “We” does not “make the decisions”.  Mr. Baez flips back to the strong “I”, but his making “decisions” is weakened by the sensitivity shown by the previous use of the unnecessary phrase “we take it from there”.

“You and your taxpayer nonsense.” – Mr. Baez dismisses Ms. Belich’s question by insinuating only she is interested in “taxpayer nonsense”.  Mr. Baez does not feel public expenditures are newsworthy subject matter.  Mr. Baez does not answer the question.  Mr. Baez fears answering the question.

“You” – Order is important.  Two things concern Mr. Baez about Ms. Belich’s question.  The most important is Ms. Belich.  She worries Mr. Baez to the extent he must name her in his reply.

“your taxpayer nonsense” – The second most important item which stabs fear into the heart of Jose Baez is “taxpayer nonsense”.  Mr. Baez attempts to assign “taxpayer nonsense” to Ms. Belich as if she is the only taxpayer watching in horror as the costs for the defense spiral out of control after Mr. Baez has squandered a minor fortune in less than two years and whose business and personal financial positions are collapsing in public view with forclosures and unpaid invoices.  Mr. Baez attempts to ridicule the question with the word “nonsense”.

We have learned Mr. Baez fears Ms. Belich and her “nonsense”.

We have learned Mr. Baez makes the decisions for the defense of Casey Anthony, not Mr. Mason or any of the other attorneys and not Ms. Anthony.

18 Responses to “Does Casey Anthony Make the Decisions for Her Defense?”

  1. offthecuff November 13, 2010 at 10:24 am #

    What decisions does Baez make from what the experts tell him they “think”? I expect he decides, based on what the experts say, whether the experts are right or wrong, whether their opinions merit accepting in light of his defense. If he doesn’t like what they say, “poof!” they’re gone and off to the next expert, via tax-payer expense.

    • bullstopper November 13, 2010 at 10:57 am #

      This is exactly why he uses the word “think”. He does not want to commit to his experts possible findings should they be harmful to the defense.

  2. LindaNewYork November 13, 2010 at 10:49 am #

    “You and your taxpayer nonsense.”

    I guess it wouldn’t be nonsense if it were coming out his pocket, huh?!

    And yes, lol, Baez fears Kathi Belich. I love that she gets under hi/their skin. And I think the reason for that is that she is right on target with her “uncomfortable” questions to them.

  3. LindaNewYork November 13, 2010 at 10:57 am #

    I highly doubt Casey makes any decisions at all. I think they tell her “this is what we’re gonna do” and she just says “OK” in that happy, chirpy voice we heard in the few recordings we have heard of her.

  4. myra manes November 13, 2010 at 11:04 am #

    Bravo, another spot-on article ..
    Thanks ..

    ‘We have learned Mr. Baez fears Ms. Belich and her “nonsense”.

    Don’t forget, Chaney fears KB too .. 🙂

    • bullstopper November 13, 2010 at 11:31 pm #

      Yes, all the defense members fear Kathi.

  5. getreal November 13, 2010 at 7:23 pm #

    LNY…since you are from Ny, the money ain’t coming out of your pocket either..I’m sure you couldn’t care less about The taxpayers of Florida.

  6. getreal November 13, 2010 at 7:52 pm #

    Offthecuff… whaaaaaat??? YEAH,YEAH,DELETED DUE TO INSULT.. I know, I know.

  7. getreal November 13, 2010 at 11:02 pm #

    Bullcrapper, do you ever read what you type or do you just sit down in front of your keyboard and start typing? It is the biggest bunch of nonsense called an article that I have ever seen.. Don’t quit your day job.. Please.

    • bullstopper November 13, 2010 at 11:59 pm #

      I employ a thousand monkeys banging away at a thousand word processors 365 days a year. About once every 24 hours, one produces an article.

      You seem to know you way around a keyboard. Next time I have an opening, I’ll let you know.

  8. getridofgetreal November 13, 2010 at 11:56 pm #

    Bull, do us all a big favor and end this nonsense from the troll. Go to your dashboard, scroll down on the left to “Discussion”, in comment moderation type in getreal and below in comment blacklist type in Go to the bottom and save.

    Everyone say bye, bye to getreal, go troll some place else.

  9. getreal November 14, 2010 at 2:13 am #

    Bullcrapper, a thousand monkeys? Then you must have more money than sense..Sounds more like 1 drunk monkey writes your stuff.

  10. getreal November 14, 2010 at 2:19 am #

    HEY getridofgetreal, maybe Bull likes getting the hits on his site.. makes him feel popular. LOLLOL

  11. LindaNewYork November 14, 2010 at 10:24 am #

    I feel for any state that has to spend money on a mother who obviously killed her daughter when pleading guilty could save those tax payers money. Instead she plays the not guilty card (as all guilty murderer’s do)then has a lawyer who spent all the money she made off of her dead daughter and what did he do with it? Nothing in the line of using it to defend her. He did nothing until the state of Flordia had to start paying.

    getreal, Do not assume anything about what I think or care about. You are quite an annoyance everywhere. You disrupted at B. Scheaffers blog and have been doing the same thing here. Trolls and disrupters like you bounce from blog to blog, apparantly because that is what you do for fun. When someone like you does this at a blog, I just picture you with that blue, or green or red hair and that neutral colored body and those bulging eyes. You give a bad name to what once was those cute little troll dolls.

  12. shyloh November 14, 2010 at 10:28 am #

    It has always been of my opinion that they don’t tell her exactly what is going down. Is she that ignorant watching him in court? Him and his cute little color chart because he can’t remember whom he has deposed or not. When and where? UNREAL! I see the defense losing this case for her. And she doesn’t get it.

  13. getreal November 14, 2010 at 4:20 pm #


  14. getreal November 14, 2010 at 5:14 pm #

    LNY. if you atr so “worried” about Fl. taxpayers, why don’t you send some money to the defense fund? Why do you you even pretend to care.. I am a Fl. taxpayer and I am not as upset as you “pretend” to be. And you shouldn’t concern yourself about me being on other blogs.. you are all over them with your same old, same old garbage.

  15. getreal November 14, 2010 at 10:37 pm #

    LindaNewYork… how many avaters do you have.. how many screen names.? lollol

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