Is Jose Baez worried about Casey Anthony’s Appearance?

16 Nov

Defense attorneys Jose Baez and Linda Kenney Baden chose to speak to the press following a hearing on January 30, 2009.

We will examine the replies of Jose Baez to queries concerning the evolving look of Casey Anthony from flag-draped party girl to business-suit matron.  The comments of Mr. Baez may be heard in the video at the following link.

Jose Baez: “What you saw today is Casey. I don’t know what you mean by different. Maybe the clothing is different, but she’s the same person and that’s Casey.”

Jose Baez: “I think you guys are paying so much attention to it, it really goes back to my objections. It’s irrelevant what she’s wearing, what her nails look like, and that has nothing to do with her guilt or innocence, so, I mean, you know, what… what can I say about that honestly?”

“What you saw today is Casey” – Mr. Baez tells the reporters they saw Casey Anthony.

“I don’t know what you mean by different” – Mr. Baez feigns ignorance of the meaning of the word “different”.  Mr. Baez feigns ignorance of the altered attire choices of his client.  Mr. Baez implies the meaning of words such as “different” are not the same for all speakers of English.  Mr. Baez would know what he means by “different”, but he does not know “what you mean”.

“Maybe the clothing is different” – Mr. Baez states perhaps “the clothing” is not the same.  “Maybe” indicates the Mr. Baez does not wish to admit the “clothing is different”.  However, he does acknowledge “the clothing is different”.  Mr. Baez overcomes his inability to decipher the word “different” by nailing down the exact aspect of his client which is “different” and caused the reporters to question him.

“but she’s the same person” – “But” indicates “maybe” is false and the “clothing” truly is “different”.  Even with “different” clothes, “she’s the same person”.  If she is the killer, she is still the killer no matter what outfit she wears to court.  If she is innocent, she is innocent in a burlap sack or a gown.  Mr. Baez implies clothes do not make a difference in court.

“and that’s Casey” – Mr. Baez is sensitive about “same person” and must define who the “same person” is.  Mr. Baez distances himself “Casey” with “that”.

“I think you guys are paying so much attention to it” – Mr. Baez uses the strong “I”, but the weak “think”.  He thinks, but does not know.  What he thinks may not be the thoughts of others, who may think they are not paying enough attention to the dress of Casey Anthony.  Mr. Baez wishes “you guys” would pay less “attention to it”.  This topic worries Mr. Baez and he attempts to re-direct the “attention” of “you guys” elsewhere.

“it really goes back to my objections” – Paying attention to the clothing Ms. Anthony wears to court “goes back” to “objections” of Jose Baez.  Mr. Baez objects to anyone noticing the clothes Casey Anthony wears in public court hearings.  The phrase “really goes back” is interesting as we must ask how does the topic of Casey Anthony’s clothes go anywhere, back or forwards, up or down?  It doesn’t “really”.  Mr. Baez must insert the word “really” to convince the listeners a topic is able to take action as a person and move in a direction of it’s own volition.  The topic goes nowhere.  It is Mr. Baez who “really goes back”.  He “goes back” to “my objections” which have already been dismissed.  Mr. Baez changes the topic to suit his own agenda.

“It’s irrelevant what she’s wearing” – Mr. Baez states the irrelevant nature of Ms. Anthony’s clothing after telling us it doesn’t matter what she wears, she is the same person.  Thus, Mr. Baez repeats the same idea, marking it as sensitive to him.  It is important to Mr. Baez to convince the listeners what Ms. Anthony wears is “irrelevant”.  Elsewhere in the interview, Mr. Baez refuses to answer questions based on his feeling of what an attorney should and should not do.  Here, he spends time discussing “irrelevant” items, not refusing to answer.  He is sensitive about this topic.

“what her nails look like” – Mr. Baez introduces Ms. Anthony’s “nails”.  Something about Ms. Anthony’s nails bother Mr. Baez as he focuses upon them even though they are not clothing.

“and that has nothing to do with her guilt or innocence” – Mr. Baez believes the appearance of Ms. Anthony, the “that” from which Mr. Baez distances himself, “has nothing to do with her guilt or innocence”.  Ms. Anthony’s “guilt or innocence” is determined by something other than her clothing.  Mr. Baez limits what her “nails” and “what she’s wearing” have “nothing to do with” to “guilt or innocence”.  They do have something to do with other aspects, such as the jury perception of the defendant.  Her appearance, despite the constant remarks about her looks supplied by her parents, may have nothing to do with the murder of Caylee Anthony, yet may have a dramatic effect on the jury which decides if Ms. Anthony will be found guilty or innocent in a court of law.

“so, I mean, you know, what… what can I say about that honestly” – “Honestly” implies what he said before “about that” was not honest.  As Mr. Baez says, what could he have said about it which would have been honest?

We have learned Mr. Baez is concerned by the appearance of Casey Anthony and the attention the press gives to the changes in her appearance.

30 Responses to “Is Jose Baez worried about Casey Anthony’s Appearance?”

  1. bullriderrose November 16, 2010 at 12:40 pm #

    good article, although the last sentence he made sounded more like his brain couldnt catch up with his mouth and just uttered nonsense.

  2. bullstopper November 16, 2010 at 1:22 pm #

    Thanks for the compliment, Bullrider.

    I’m sure as all the nonsense builds up in the vast emptiness of his skull, the pressure mounts and he is forced to let some escape from time to time or risk a blowout.

  3. bullriderrose November 16, 2010 at 1:44 pm #

    he needs to learn to put his mouth in neutral till his addled brain can catch up so he can try and form a sentence that makes sense.

  4. BEES KNEES November 16, 2010 at 2:06 pm #

    I love reading your articles Bullstopper. Thanks. But I have to admit that I actually catch myself when I’m speaking or writing something down to start applying everything I’ve learned here. For example, when to say “Honestly” for example. I’m my own censor now! Ha ha ha . . . Boy! The things we’ve learned in the past two years!

    • myra manes November 16, 2010 at 2:41 pm #

      I’m with you, Bee – I’m constantly censoring myself now! LMFAO!

      Thanks for another great read, Bull ..
      I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been linking your blog to a forum I belong to .. 🙂

      • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 3:51 pm #

        Thanks for bringing in new readers.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 3:50 pm #

      Almost everything I write is based upon rules of composition I learned in a college English class years ago.

      Recently, I found if you apply the same grammar rules to any statement, new information is revealed.

      For instance, one rule of good writing is to be sure your pronouns always clearly reflect the subject you intended. The flip side is if a pronoun which does not clearly reflect the intended subject may never have been intended to the subject in question. Like when someone flips from “I” to “we” and we must ask who is “we”.

  5. myra manes November 16, 2010 at 2:44 pm #

    I wanted to add, it’s nice and civilized here now that getreal has company to tend to and can’t be online complaining ..

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 3:51 pm #

      I wouldn’t expect it to last forever.

  6. Venice November 16, 2010 at 4:01 pm #

    getreal is a lonely soul who feeds off of ridicule ‘cuz it makes him/her feel better about who they are.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 3:52 pm #

      They certainly have not added anything of substance to the discussion.

  7. 38special November 16, 2010 at 4:32 pm #

    Hey Bull, another interesting article about the ever fascinating Baez and his equally fascinating client.

    All his constant attention about the public’s attention to casey probably is grounded in the fact that once we look at her outward appearance ya can’t help but start noticing her personality.
    She’s a study in weird psychosis. The early hearings she was all fidgety, picking at imaginary lint, smoothing her clothes, examining her tissues and fingers, leaning all over Baez now she’s a zombie.

    Maybe we should all avert our eyes throughout the hearings or maybe he could petition JP for her to wear a face covering shroud, that would help everyone to not look at her clothing and hair and expressions.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 3:54 pm #

      Nothing is fair for Jose.

      It’s not fair his client is in jail and people look at her and they want to know the truth instead of her lies and no one will pay him for defending her anymore.

      Life is so unfair even for close personal friends of Geraldo Rivera.

  8. Molly November 16, 2010 at 7:37 pm #

    I think I’d rather have the fidgeting than that stone cold stare with her lips all pushed out. I noticed she does some kind of tongue chewing thing going on inside her mouth too. yuck

    they are getting her ready for the jury with her puffy frilly shirts (innocent looking) & no primping. she must have practiced long & hard to stop all of that. but she’s not going to win any friends with that ice face devoid of emotion.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 4:05 pm #

      Or maybe she no longer has a crush on anyone in the courtroom, so she has lost her need to primp.

  9. Carly November 16, 2010 at 7:40 pm #

    A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  10. offthecuff November 16, 2010 at 8:10 pm #

    Jose has always been protective of Casey—starting with the closeness, the hugs, which are now banned. She is his girl–which could mean anything from a big brother mentality to something on the romantic side.

    Besides the dollar signs flashing in his fantasy dreams, he seems to have always felt sorry for her, as if she’s a lost child herself or lost in this case.

    We know that she’s never really matured to face the real world. In her world, she lies to get accepted, and she gets rid of someone who may get in her way. She also mimics the hate and selfishness of her folks. So there is a lot of “poor little girl tied on the railroad tracks” for the knight-on-white-horse Jose to have fallen for.

    • 38special November 16, 2010 at 10:03 pm #

      offthecuff~ all your comment is so true. Would like to add that “the poor little girl tied on the railroad tracks” also had a backpack full of gold and shewas ever so eager to oblige the knight ( erp) on the white horse. He wasn’t doing this for free. Booty & looty for man Jose.

      • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 4:10 pm #

        The money was definitely a part of why Jose chose to defend KC.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 4:09 pm #

      I don’t know if he is selfless enough to be a hero for a damsel in distress, although he does pull the protector line out of his hat every once in a while, but he normally tries to tie it back to protecting everyone in the nation by protecting KC’s rights.

  11. diana November 17, 2010 at 12:12 am #

    I think we will all be in for a big surprise once the trial starts and the jury is in place. I picture Casey dressed in new (wrinkle free) dress clothes that actually fit her and I think she will be all dolled up trying to hide the monster inside that she truly is.

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 4:14 pm #

      I thought they would have started this before the trial started. I have never understood the ever changing look unless it was to test the public’s reaction, but I do not think that was really the reason.

      In one of her letters, KC talks about picking the sexy librarian look herself and it will be up to her as to her hairstyle the next day in court.

      Some of Cindy’s stuff indicates she chose the clothes KC would wear. This makes perfect sense to me.

      Others have argued KC’s later outfits were the influence of Andrea Lyon. I do not agree as Andrea’s fashion sense is even worse than the clothes KC wears.

      It would be interesting to know who is the major factor in how KC dresses and the purpose they hope to achieve.

  12. offthecuff November 17, 2010 at 7:01 pm #

    I ‘spose if you had your way, you would have her looking like the Joker?

    • bullstopper November 17, 2010 at 7:38 pm #

      If I had it my way, Caylee would be alive and well.

      If I was her defense attorney, especially in a case like this of constant media coverage, I would personally buy her an appropriate conservative outfit, arrive early to ensure her hair is styled correctly, and never depend on Cindy Anthony’s judgment. However, I could never be her attorney because I would have demanded she plead the truth to the charges and we wouldn’t be in this position.

      I agree with Jose on this one, strange as it is. Her clothing is not important in a legal aspect. However, a nice outfit could not hurt in a process which will heavily depend on jurors’ impression of the defendant.

      I do find KC’s comments about dressing like a sexy librarian to be revealing. She does spend time thinking about her appearance in court. She believes she has an effect on those around her through her costuming. On trial for her daughter’s death, yet her concern is being sexy.

  13. diana November 17, 2010 at 8:26 pm #

    She will definately be wearing a cross necklace. That’s always a “given” when they try to dress up a murderess for court. Pam Smart wore one on the witness stand while they played the tape of her conspiring to have her husband murdered (and she succeeded) but got LWOP.

  14. north country girl November 19, 2010 at 7:34 pm #

    I agree with you BullStopper.
    A nice conservative outfit may gain her some ground with the jurors.
    But as Jose said, guilt or innocence is not determined by clothing or nails;
    it is determined by 31 days, bella vita tatoos, multiple lies, coffin flies, and imaginannies.

  15. jon November 22, 2010 at 4:53 pm #

    Clothes will have nothing to do with it. I remember their attorneys dressed up the Menendez boys with pastel colored crew neck sweaters to look all sweet and preppy and they were convicted. They can dress Casey up like a nun or a pilgrim and she’ll still be found guilty; the evidence will carry the day and bring justice for Caylee, which is more than she ever got from her mother.

  16. sandra November 24, 2010 at 3:50 am #

    agree. can care less how she dresses. if a jury cares about what you were than they arent doing their job. that is to listen to the evidence, and make a decision beyond a reasonable dought. i really never took notice to what she was wearing as much as to her reactions. the jury will look at that more than dress.but most of all they will analize no dought spindy,george,lee and casey IF THEY EVEN PUT HER ON THE STAND. dought that will happen. who they seat to hear this will be very interesting. hope thee intire trial is aired. if not hope i get the feedback here. love the sight and the comments.cant wait!

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