Why Did Jose Baez Request Access to the Discovery Site?

19 Nov

On December 17, 2008, about week after the remains of Caylee Anthony were first discovered in the woods near her home, Jose Baez released a statement which he may not have solely written, but which he did approve, to the press.

The press release may be found at the following link:


“The Casey Anthony Defense Team has made numerous attempts to preserve the evidence in and around the location where the human remains of what appear to be a small child were found.

Law enforcement has been repeatedly asked to allow reasonable access by medical and scientific experts for the defense, including requests for photographs, and assistance with maintaining a secure examination scene prior to any media or general public access.”

“The Casey Anthony Defense Team has made numerous attempts” – This press release identifies a group named “The Casey Anthony Defense Team”.  Who is included as a member of the “Team”?  We do not know.  This statement claims the “Team has made numerous attempts”.  Who on the “Team” made the “numerous attempts”?  How many is “numerous”?  What is an attempt?  Is it a phone call, a motion filed with the court, a press release, a news conference?  We do not know the answers to any of these questions, making this statement vague at best, misleading at least, and deceptive at worst.

“to preserve the evidence” – This is what the “Team” made “numerous attempts” to do.  The implication is the evidence was not preserved because “attempts” are not successes.  They attempted, but did not preserve the evidence.  What impact could the “Defense Team” possibly have on preservation of evidence?  The implication is law enforcement does not preserve evidence and must be overseen by the “Defense Team”.  What exactly have they done to attempt to preserve evidence?  We do not know, but since no “Defense Team” member stepped foot on the grounds of the discovery site, they could not have attempted anything which included direct physical contact with the evidence, making any preservation questionable.

“in and around the location” – There are two geographic areas the “Defense Team” is concerned about preserving evidence, “in and around”.  The “Defense Team” is acknowledging the evidence “around” the “location” may be important to the investigation.  To most people, the woods would be the location, no need to specify an “around”.  However, this press release does identify “around”, meaning “around” is significant to the defense.  Why?  Do they know of “evidence” which is “around the location”?  Jose Baez has been adamant the prosecution has not turned over exculpatory evidence.  Is there a connection?

“where the human remains of what appear to be a small child were found” – The “Defense Team” acknowledges the “human remains” have not been identified as “a small child”, therefore they have not been identified as Caylee Anthony.  The “Defense Team” has been working to “preserve the evidence” at a “location” which is not identified as being connected with their case.

“Law enforcement has been repeatedly asked” – This is one form of attempt.  However, even though “law enforcement has been repeatedly asked”, it is not clear they were “asked” by the defense team from the structure of the sentence.  Who exactly “asked”?  How many times is “repeatedly”?  In what manner was law enforcement asked?  Were they asked in writing or verbally?  Who in law enforcement was asked?  The cop standing guard at the site or the sheriff?  Asking is sensitive for the “Defense Team” as the word “repeatedly” is an additional unneeded word.  The asking happened in the past, not in the present.

“to allow reasonable access” – This is what law enforcement was asked to do.  “Access” is limited by “reasonable”.  What constitutes “reasonable”?  We do not know.  Who decides what is “reasonable” and what is not?  Apparently, the “Defense Team” who implies law enforcement is unreasonable by not granting their requests.  However, law enforcement, by not granting the requests, defines the requests as not “reasonable”.  The “Defense Team” wishes the audience of this press release to believe law enforcement is unreasonable rather than admitting their requests were unreasonable.

“by medical and scientific experts for the defense” – The “Defense Team” acknowledges “medical and scientific experts” have had access to the scene, but not those “for the defense”.  “Experts” are preserving the evidence, but since the remains are not identified, the defense has no reason for access, making any request for such access unreasonable.

“including requests for photographs” – Is the “Defense Team” requesting their experts to be allowed to take “photographs” or are they asking for “photographs” taken by the experts who have examined the scene?  We do not know.  The “Defense Team” identified their requests for access as “reasonable”, but do not identify the request for “photographs” as “reasonable”.  Is this because they recognize this request as unreasonable?  Or because this request is “reasonable”, causing no anxiety which must be relieved by tacking on the word “reasonable”?

“and assistance with maintaining a secure examination scene prior to any media or general public access” – Is it “reasonable” to believe the police will continue to maintain “a secure examination scene” after they have completed the official state investigation?  Would it not be the responsibility of the “Defense Team” to hire and fund a security detail to guard the scene for the duration of their needs?

We have learned the “Defense Team” made unreasonable demands of law enforcement during the investigation of the discovery site of the remains of Caylee Anthony.

We have learned the “Defense Team” is not willing to provide specific details on who in law enforcement were notified of the defense requests or in what manner those requests were made.

We have learned the “Defense Team” wishes the public to believe law enforcement did not preserve evidence during the recovery.

14 Responses to “Why Did Jose Baez Request Access to the Discovery Site?”

  1. offthecuff November 19, 2010 at 12:25 pm #

    Your evaluation is correct, no Defense Team has the right of access to any random, unidentified crime scene they wish to nosey into, even if they ask “pretty please” or make demands. They have no authority.

    But for Baez, not only does he fantasize he has the authority, he denigrates those that do. He continues to spread the supposed conspiracy that Cindy feeds him: that LE is falsely and intentionally setting up the evidence in order to incriminate Casey.

    In other words, Baez doesn’t want the truth from the crime scene, but wants access to identify twistable facts or loop-holes that he can then get Casey to jump through and appear non-complicit.

    • bullstopper November 19, 2010 at 12:39 pm #

      My thoughts exactly. He wanted to find things around the location which would point to others.

      However, I am personally convinced Jose knows of specific pieces of “evidence” which were planted in the area by Dominic. I believe this “evidence” to be the exculpatory evidence he swears the prosecution has withheld. Otherwise, how would he know such evidence exists?

      I believe the current testing of the shorts and bag are also to try to find DNA from anyone else to muddy the waters further.

      Baez does have a fantasy of his own non-existent authority. The man can’t even control his co-counsel Mason and fell for the lies of his lackey Dominic.

  2. Molly November 19, 2010 at 12:38 pm #

    We all know that the defense team was 100% sure that the remains were of Caylee & that’s why they wanted in there to mess around. Suppose it had turned out to be another child & they had allowed unauthorized lawyers & experts onto a crime scene, it would have ruined justice for that other child by “spoiling” the scene.

  3. J.H. November 19, 2010 at 1:15 pm #


    • bullstopper November 20, 2010 at 11:51 pm #

      Jose had suspicious motivations to say the least.

  4. Brad 'shopping cart' Conway November 19, 2010 at 1:30 pm #

    The same reason they made the bizarre should-get-disbarred-for-suggesting-it request for Casey to be allowed to “search” for Caylee alone…gee, not too subtle there Baez!

    Also, considering they have the dishonest Dr. Lee, who tampered with evidence in the Spector case, I don’t think it’s too much of a reach to assume they were going to plant/remove/tamper with evidence.

    I personally think they wanted to plant something of the grunds’ at the scene. Glad they weren’t able to. Notice they lost interest after LE was done with the scene.

    • bullstopper November 20, 2010 at 11:53 pm #

      I, too, have wondered about the Grund DNA evidence, specifically anything she may have taken from Jesse’s bathroom.

      But I then I wonder about the bag and shorts… why have them tested and only them now?

  5. sydney November 19, 2010 at 3:33 pm #

    cindy and george also went into grieving mode when the remains were discovered and prior to their identification as caylee’s. conway had said that they were hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

    cindy, at the very least, had to know those remains were caylee’s because of her remarks about “she’s not in the woods” and “she’s close” and variations of the same.

    • bullstopper November 20, 2010 at 11:56 pm #

      Cindy also said she sent the detectives into the woods in November.

      They did go into grieving mode early, yet their personal grieving allowed them to dine and stay at a first class hotel on a network’s dime. Much like Cindy’s Christianity, their grieving conformed to their personal desires.

  6. sandra November 21, 2010 at 6:49 am #

    i stil stand with the words of casey,i dropped her at the nanny’s and was doing my own search. she was given the chance to change her story many times. jesse didnt do this,no stranger did this. that includes roy kronk. both parents know what a dead body smells like,both told law enforsement smelled like a dead body. spindy got rid of effidence,and should also be jailed. i am only going by their own evidence as a none jurer. their own spoken words. and then the body is found.if casey did not actually do the killing or disopsal herself,she is still guilty,by facts she herself lied about with many chances to pony up the truth. GUILTY AS CHARGED! sorry spindy you dont cremate the remains of someone elses child,have a service and then tell casey and the rest of the world OH by the way i burned a childs ashes and yet me and casey are going to go look for a live caylee when the jury says you didnt do this. KEEP ON THE DISNEY TRAIN SPINDY!

    • bullstopper November 21, 2010 at 3:49 pm #

      Yes, KC always said left or dropped her with the nanny, so she left or dropped her somewhere. Their words do tell the true story.

  7. getreal November 21, 2010 at 7:59 pm #

    Hey, Bull, won’t be on but a second. My company went shopping so I have a minute. Still plugging away and puttin them out, huh. Seems the articles have different titles and maybe different analysis, however, the comments are still the same.. Always the same. See ya later.

  8. kmom November 22, 2010 at 11:41 pm #

    The defense has taken a lot rabbit paths leading up to trial, some they even repeat, like the sealing of jail records. Let’s see if we can chronicle their tactics

    Implicating Kronk
    Chasing Kronk’s lawyer as a witness
    Deposing Kronk’s ex-wife
    Implicating Jesse Grund and his father
    Insinuating that LE has formed a conspiracy against Casey
    Much ballyhooing about the Prosecution trying to kill his client
    3 motions to seal either jail or Prison records
    Motion to remove Judge Strickland
    The TES/Nejame records debacle
    The Laura Buchanon Depo
    Deposing 35 LE officers in one day
    Frequent NG, JVM, Van-Sustern interviews

    Did I leave any out? And no exculpatory evidence yet.

  9. sandra November 23, 2010 at 2:37 am #

    yea its called the blame game. we will blame them then you get to decide who’s really to blame. casey’s name will never come up.we can chose from everyone but her,but remember,caylee’s still alive. per spindy,so why are they having a trial again. no one killed caylee cause spindy says shes still alive. now we know its a game of spinnn

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