Does Jose Baez Understand the Implications of the Death Penalty?

25 Jan

After the State of Florida announced in April 2009 they would be seeking the death penalty against Casey Anthony for the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, defense counsel Jose Baez made remarks to the press about his reaction. The comments of Mr. Baez may be found at the following link.

Jose Baez: “She was fully aware that this was a strong possibility. She’s aware of the forces that are out to get her.”

“She was fully aware” – Mr. Baez states Ms. Anthony “was fully aware” the state might reverse their decision not to seek the death penalty prior to the discovery of the body. Somehow, Ms. Anthony became “fully aware” the death penalty might be re-introduced as a result of the discovery of Caylee Anthony’s body. If Ms. Anthony was “fully aware”, Mr. Baez was also “fully aware” despite his protestations which continue through the present the announcement the state would again seek the death penalty came as a surprise and threw the defense behind in preparation for the trial.

“strong possibility” – Like “aware” with “fully”, “possibility” is a sensitive word for Mr. Baez as indicated by the use of the extra word “strong”. Mr. Baez reveals he felt “this” to the one of the, if not the, most likely possibilities following the discovery of the body in December 2008.

“was” – The sentence is phrased in the past tense. These are the thoughts of Ms. Anthony and Mr. Baez prior to the day he made these comments. They did not come to the conclusion on this day the re-introduction of the death penalty would be a “strong possibility”, they planned for it prior.

“She’s aware” – Mr. Baez moves to the present tense. He spoke about what they felt prior, now he speaks about the things of which Ms. Anthony is currently “aware”, things about which Ms. Anthony has knowledge, things of which she is wary.

“of the forces” – The things of which Ms. Anthony are wary are not people or evidence or witnesses, but “forces”, which would seem to indicate people with power. George and Cindy Anthony are most likely not “forces” as they have little personal power over Ms. Anthony’s situation. Prosecutors and law enforcement have power, they do impact Ms. Anthony’s situation, they could be “forces”. However, “forces” could also be circumstances beyond the control of Mr. Baez and Ms. Anthony, such as fate or destiny.

“that are out to get her” – Mr. Baez assigns a motivation to the “forces”, but distances himself from this definition with the word “that”, indicating he is not comfortable with his assertion. Mr. Baez claims the “forces” “are out to get her”. What does it mean, “to get her”? If the “forces” are law enforcement and the prosecution, they already have her. Mr. Baez implies the “forces” seek more than justice, they seek to “get” Ms. Anthony. For Mr. Baez, the re-introduction of the death penalty is not about justice for Caylee Anthony, but about some unnamed reason multiple individuals among law enforcement and the prosecutors have conspired together to “get” Ms. Anthony.

Jose Baez: “If they think that this is going to make her plea, they’re sadly mistaken. They’ve been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now.”

“If they think” – “They” refers to the “forces”, which are capable of thought.

“that” – Mr. Baez distances himself from his claims about the thoughts of “they”, the “forces”.

“this is going to make her plea” – Mr. Baez insinuates the re-introduction of the death penalty by prosecutors is not to seek the maximum penalty allowed by law for the crime of first degree murder, but as a strategical move to force Ms. Anthony to “plea”. Mr. Baez reveals he is expecting a move to entice Ms. Anthony to “plea”, but does not explain how finding a body would encourage the prosecutors to believe they needed to convince Ms. Anthony “to plea”.

“they’re sadly mistaken” – Mr. Baez implies Ms. Anthony will not “plea”.

“They’ve been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day 1 and it didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now.” – Mr. Baez equates the seeking of the death penalty with “trying to intimidate Casey Anthony”. Who is “they” and how did they try to “intimidate” on “day 1”? Since prosecutors were not on scene on “day 1” and law enforcement who was on scene “day 1” did not make the decision to re-introduce the death penalty, who is “they”?

Jose Baez: “”Will it affect the trial? Yes, it may delay it. It certainly will make the costs to the taxpayers to the state of Florida at least triple.”

Mr. Baez foresees only two effects of the state seeking the death penalty, a delay of trial and tripling of the costs to the taxpayers. If these are truly the only two effects, why is Mr. Baez complaining about intimidation? Does Mr. Baez not understand a death penalty case brings a significant amount of responsibility to the defense attorney as they must now prepare for an extensive possible penalty phase and a rigorous jury selection? Does Mr. Baez not understand defending a death penalty case means his personal responsibility in the event of his own failure as increased from the long-term effects of a life in prison on his client to the loss of her very life?

Jose Baez: “It changes absolutely nothing. For people to be out there saying I’m going to be off the case or I’m going to be in the background, they really don’t know what they’re talking about.”

“absolutely nothing” – “Nothing” is sensitive as it must be defined as “absolutely”. Something has changed because of the re-introduction of the death penalty, but Mr. Baez wishes to downplay the change.

“For people to be out there saying I’m going to be off the case or I’m going to be in the background, they really don’t know what they’re talking about” – Mr. Baez reveals his true concerns about the re-introduction of the death penalty, “people” are “out there saying” things about Mr. Baez he doesn’t want them to say. Mr. Baez attempts to minimize the impact of their comments with “they really don’t know what they’re talking about”, but weakens his statement with the conditional phrase “they really”. They may know “what they’re talking about”. Or Mr. Baez may fear their statements as he sees truth in them as he is aware he is not qualified to try a death penalty case.

We have learned Mr. Baez worries about what people are out there saying about him.

We have learned the concerns Mr. Baez has about the state seeking the death penalty revolve more around the effects to himself as lead counsel than to his client’s possible demise should the ultimate punishment be approved in the penalty phase.

We have learned the inexperienced and unqualified-to-try-a-death-penalty-case Mr. Baez is unaware of the impact on the defense of the announcement the state is seeking the death penalty by his comment, “It changes absolutely nothing”.

95 Responses to “Does Jose Baez Understand the Implications of the Death Penalty?”

  1. Venice January 25, 2011 at 1:19 pm #

    Wow,great article! That picture of him above says it all…..I’m an idiot your Honor and I don’t know what I’m doing.

  2. shyloh January 25, 2011 at 1:38 pm #

    Ok! Bad, bad, bad, I couldn’t get past the
    snapshot. UGH! That is priceless. Ok now going to try
    to read without falling out of my chair.

    • Venice January 25, 2011 at 1:51 pm #

      Hi Shyloh,
      Bull really knows how to capture his true persona, doesn’t he??

  3. offthecuff January 25, 2011 at 1:42 pm #

    Baez is fully aware that the death penalty is not referring to his own death, so whatever the state throws his way “changes absolutely nothing”.

  4. MsBingo January 25, 2011 at 1:52 pm #

    That picture is outrageously funny. He looks like he’s trying to cover up the fact that he just soiled his underwear. I can’t stand this guy.

  5. Anonymous January 25, 2011 at 2:39 pm #

    Is her only hope an Alford Plea?

  6. Nevada January 25, 2011 at 4:45 pm #

    Jose’s ‘representation’ of Casey is karma or divine retribution or whatever you want to call it, at its finest. The narcissist who cares about no one but himself is in charge of protecting the life of the narcissist who cares about no one but HERself … and we see what happened to the little one whose life SHE was in charge of protecting.

    Just doesn’t get any better than that.

    As an aside, I find Jose Baez to be one of the most repulsive looking men I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’ve laid eyes on plenty. Whenever I see his squat round body, odder-than-hell hairline and smirking face, I’m torn between several urges, none of them pleasant.

  7. bullstopper January 25, 2011 at 5:20 pm #

    I feel a new article coming on…

    Lots of bull in here to stop…

  8. Anonymous January 25, 2011 at 5:28 pm #

    I can’t believe it. They want an additional 45 days for two experts to formulate opinions and write their reports.

    • bullstopper January 25, 2011 at 5:37 pm #

      45 days plus a reasonable amount of time for the others… with no indication if the “reasonable” extends beyond the 45

      • bullstopper January 25, 2011 at 5:38 pm #

        If 2+ weeks is not a reasonable amount of time in which to expect a call back from a retained expert, what is?

    • Venice January 25, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

      I guess Dr. Lee has enough oranges, huh Mason??

      45 days for 2 experts?? I hope Judge Perry denies this! Ridiculous!

      • kas January 25, 2011 at 7:26 pm #

        The Orange crops’ froze remember? Otherwise, I’m sure he’d still be around, doing his level-best to plant evidence.

  9. kas January 25, 2011 at 7:24 pm #

    What is the legal definition of “Inadequate Council”, as defined by law? (I get that Baez is the walking definition.) I mean, Good Lord. He’s done nothing but look at the Internet and scan over Lexus Nexis, which as Niecey pointed out he taught a class in how to use.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:10 am #

      I think the JAC is going to have something to say about invoices for investigation which resulted in internet searches when all is said and done.

  10. Anonymous January 25, 2011 at 8:35 pm #

    The following statement from the first DPQ attorney Mr Lenamon says a lot about why this case has failed so miserably.

    “The importance of an experienced death qualified attorney’s independent involvement in Ms Anthony’s case cannot be overemphasized. The penalty of death is unique in both its severity and finality. Standards consistent with both Florida law and the ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Counsel in Death Penalty cases(Feb 2003)require conflict free investigations, evaluation and preparation. In that I am no longer involved in the case I am confident that Mr Baez will aggressively pursue assuring that Ms Anthony is provided death-qualified counsel that will diligently represent her interests”.

    • Venice January 25, 2011 at 9:34 pm #

      Terence Lenamon was her Guardian Angel.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:15 am #

      This is a fabulous quote. I remember it from way back, but haven’t see it in a while.

      “Standards consistent with both Florida law and the ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Counsel in Death Penalty cases(Feb 2003)require conflict free investigations, evaluation and preparation.”

      This statement outlines the problems with the defense at the time Mr. Lenamon departed. Most significant to Mr. Lenamon is “conflict free investigations”. To what type of conflict does he refer? We know there was conflict between Baez and the police, Baez and Dominic Casey, Baez and Cindy, Baez and George, Baez and Lenamon. Not hard to see why “conflict free investigations” scored number one.

      And “conflict” in the “evaluation and preparation” – this is for sure conflict between the attorneys as they are the only ones preparing, unless there is conflict origination with KC, which seems a good possibility, but her role in preparing and evaluating is minimal.

  11. niecey456 January 25, 2011 at 9:15 pm #

    😆 I cannot believe the incompetence of Mr. Baez. Mr. Stopper, I cannot wait for your next post as I can see the BULL that is in that order to STOP. :mrgreen:
    They have in good faith complied? 😆 😆 :mrgreen: NOT!!!

    As for the DP, I don’t think Baez cares. I really don’t. He’s too busy googling for answers, and reading the blogs.

    • bullstopper January 25, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

      “substantially complied” – he’s been using this phrase a lot in the last few motions concerning the expert reports. It’s a fav of Mason’s, too. Open to a fair amount of interpretation… but more on that in the next article…

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:16 am #

      I don’t think he cares either. All his comments revolve around himself as the center of the universe, closely orbited by KC, her family, Mason, the media, law enforcement, and the courts. I think JP is about to shatter his self-centric cosmos.

  12. Katprint January 26, 2011 at 12:44 am #

    Traditionally, the attorneys of the person sentenced to death attend the execution. I have several friends/colleagues, including an old friend from high school, who handle death penalty cases/appeals. Even though they try to keep an appropriate professional distance, seeing someone they know being put to death is extremely traumatic. They weep. They need counseling afterwards. It is difficult for me to understand how anyone who really understands the finality of death can be so casual and flippant. I think Baez is simply too shallow – and too inexperienced – to really “get it.”

    OTOH perhaps I am oversensitive because I can see San Quentin from my livingroom window (as part of the overall San Francisco Bay view.)

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 11:06 am #

      I would so LOVE to move to S.F.! Lucky you 🙂

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:18 am #

      You bring up an interesting question. Should KC be sentenced to death or even just sentenced to life without parole, will Baez weep for her? If she is executed, will he attend and will he weep? The man cries on TV because reporters call him names. Will he have as much feeling for the woman he figuratively slid the needle in her arm?

  13. LRT January 26, 2011 at 7:47 am #

    Baez is doing this for Baez! His only concern is qualifying to become a DP qualified attorney.
    There is certain criteria he must meet to do that,and you can bet he will try!

    The state of Florida requires he be familiar and utilize experience with expert witnesses..

    Too bad he has an F in that so far! Smile

    • beachgirl January 26, 2011 at 9:50 am #

      Sorry for the lengthy reply, but I think it is worth the read.

      Florida Death Penalty Lawyers Must Have Special Qualifications
      In order to represent a client charged in a capital first degree murder case, the Florida Supreme Court requires that the attorney be “capital qualified.” Being a capital qualified lawyer is the only way an attorney can ethically represent someone charged with first degree murder, unless the death penalty has already been waived on the record. Lawyers who are fully capital qualified meet the requirements of Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.112, which requires at least five years of criminal trial experience, prior experience as lead counsel in serious and complex trials, including murder cases, as well as additional capital defense education requirements, familiarity with the use of expert, psychiatric, and forensic witnesses and evidence, and, importantly, trying at least two (2) death penalty cases to completion before a jury as co-counsel. In addition, capital defense lawyers must be able to provide “high quality legal services”, and “perform at the level of an attorney skilled in the specialized practice of capital representation, zealously committed to the capital case, who has adequate time and resources for preparation.” This is crucial because a capital case is unlike any other in the law, as “every task is more difficult and time consuming when the client is facing execution.” Due to the irrevocable nature of the death penalty “counsel must make extraordinary efforts on behalf of the accused”, and must limit his or her caseload, and be familiar with the local practices and procedures in the jurisdiction. These minimum requirements, promulgated by the Florida Supreme Court are, absent exceptional circumstances, absolutely essential in order to assure that the client receives the heightened level of effective assistance of counsel expected and required in capital cases. There are, and rightly so, only a very small percentage of criminal lawyers who are “capital qualified” according to the national A.B.A. and Florida guidelines.
      Lawyers who have never tried a capital case in any capacity, much less as lead counsel, currently advertise with the key words “death penalty lawyer” all over the internet; thus, it is extremely important to research or inquire if an attorney being contemplated for representation on a first degree murder case actually meets the specific qualifications. In addition to the above criteria, Rule – 3.112(f)’s – requirement of knowledge of the practice and procedures in “the criminal courts of the jurisdiction” where the trial is to occur, and its requirement that attorneys limit the number of death penalty and other cases he or she is handling at any one time, is designed to insure, as much as possible, the delivery of “high quality” legal services on behalf of a capital client. When life hangs in the balance, we should expect no less.

      Baez can’t live long enough to meet these qualifications.
      He’s already been sanctioned, which I would think disqualifies him right out of the gate.

      • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:30 am #

        This tells us the audacity of Jose Baez in his statements to the press he would remain in control of the defense of this case. He knows he doesn’t come close to any of these qualifications, yet he qualifies himself to run the case with minimal help from others, exerting so much overt control, his team members abandon his client on the eve of her trial.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:22 am #

      Maybe he should have played co-counsel on a dp case first…

  14. Northerngirl January 26, 2011 at 9:00 am #

    He knows she is guilty from having the opportunity of viewing all the evidence, sealed, and held back (50 pgs of FBI reports)so now his mind set is to garner anything and everthing he can. The money he made off of Caylee’s pictures set that desire for fame and fortune in motion, that can not be quenched. IMO He cares little for inmate,will ride this pony untill it drops and than tell her he’s done, can’t do anything more, she needs to plea. No doubt after this case is finished I see charges comming down the pike that accuse baez of colusion and aiding and assiting in obstuction with sindy and geoge and lee and the rest ofthe 2 bit players…so inmate will get her just dessert but this isn’t the end of this story for this one Jose Baez.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:25 am #

      Good point. He knows more than all of us about the particulars of the evidence. His experts not returning his calls speaks to either their lack of ability to help his case or his alienation of his experts by his refusal to pay their fees, then receive reimbursement himself from the JAC. Either way, he is bumbling this one badly.

  15. beachgirl January 26, 2011 at 9:36 am #

    Baez:“It changes absolutely nothing”

    Yet, all we hear bozo say now is…

    Baez: “Death is different”

    Baez is inept, unprofessional, ill-prepared, and makes a mockery of the legal profession.

    He is in this for his own inflated ego and personal gain. He thinks he will benefit but he’s only proved how incompetent he really is.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:27 am #

      Excellent point. I was thinking about the dichotomy between these two statements last night. Death is different, but changes nothing. Yet, every motion argues death has changed everything, every rule, every deadline, every investigative effort.

  16. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 10:20 am #

    His lack of emotional and intellectual preparedness is chilling. He absolutely never demonstrated a seriousness of purpose which this article clearly outlines.This defendant deserved to be “defended from those who would put her to death”. What did she get? Nothing.

    While incarcerated Ms Anthony has gone downhill. Who would allow a defendant who is locked down for 23 hours each day no contact with family and friends for two years? Did he know who he had for a client? Does he understand the human desire to connect with another human being? He tried to control Mr Lenamon and he tried to control Casey. Neither one of them wanted to be controled- T. Lenamon left and Casey wrote one incriminating letter and then she wrote another.

    He simply does not know how to defend her. Je is a jackass. But when I see Mr Mason I just feel incredible sadness for this defendant.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:33 am #

      The blustering in court is outrageous, to steal a Baez term. His lack of preparation for hearings, the simplest part of the trial process, is indicative of his approach to the defense of Ms. Anthony. He won’t be prepared, he will bluster, he will waste huge portions of the jury and court’s time on meaningless, self-centered, ego-driven drivel, but he will not deliver a cohesive or effective defense.

  17. shyloh January 26, 2011 at 10:49 am #

    I suppose the defense is still falling apart..

    dr.werner spitz (the reason is a ‘secret’—we’ve told the state about it, and will tell the court under seal, but spitz can’t do his report right now)

    Click to access 26613859.pdf

    he perforated a bowel due to a chicken bone, and is out of action

    kathy reichs—-“is travelling extensively

    dr. barry logan ( apparently not answering their calls)

    They all appear to be tooooooooo busy or out of touch. What a shame…………NOT!!!

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:34 am #

      The guy not answering their calls is the one cracking me up. How can Baez represent to the court he expects to meet the deadline with this guy and have him testify in trial if he can’t even get a call back?

  18. shyloh January 26, 2011 at 10:50 am #

    Humm are we under moderation? My post didn’t go through

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 11:07 am #

      I’m sure it was just a quirk. Everyone appreciates your insight here Shyloh 🙂

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 11:09 am #

      For some reason, you got caught in the spam filter, but I have released the comment now.

      • shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:04 pm #

        Oh good. Thank you!!!

  19. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 11:43 am #

    beachgirl-Thank you for taking the time to write your post. These Guidelines are there for a reason and Mr Baez blew them off. These are the rules and from day one Mr Baez thought he could get “under the wire” while the Neglect charges were on the table. He knew that his client would eventually be charged with murder and did not miss an opportunity to negotiated the sale of the victim’s likeness for his retainer. What a disgrace. He made a mockery out of the law and I doubt it has gone unnoticed by the DA’s office and Judge Perry.

    On February 18, 2009 the Supplemental Report outlining every piece of evidence found at Caylee’s final resting place matched up with items found at the crime scene (Anthony home)meant nothing to him. Her statement to police clearly outlined the thoughts and behavior(s) of someone who was clearly disordered and possibly a threat to herself and others. Nothing registered with Mr Baez. He has yet to internalize the fear that his client is facing the death penalty. Unbelievable.

  20. shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:07 pm #

    If I remember correctly. And that’s a big IF!!! The Defense sold those pictures of Caylee before Casey was even charged with murder. I’ll try to find that information.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:19 pm #

      You are correct! She was only charged with child neglect, and the pictures started selling like hotcakes.

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:22 pm #

        and another thing….
        that liar Cindy transformed Casey’s room into a loving mother’s shrine, and those sonogram pictures were from a first trimester pregnancy. According to Cindy, “Casey was only having female problems”. Those were, more than likely, Cindy’s sonograms.

      • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 1:05 pm #

        I never thought about that before, but there couldn’t have been many sonograms of Caylee due to KC not going to a doctor until month seven.

  21. shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:28 pm #

    Ok Venice that is freaky and I never thought
    of that. But in this case. Anything is possible. Did
    you read in the beginning that Jose took some things from the home and one was a jar with an umbilical cord in it. UGH. Who in the H*&& keeps an umbilical cord? Well, I am sure some do. But myself thinks it’s Weird. I like using
    freaky a lot haha..

    • shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:30 pm #

      Also remember, Casey was 7 months pregnant when Cindy’s brother Rick told her she was. Cindy played it off and YUP she had female problems. So GOD you could be right.

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:33 pm #

        Yep….those sonograms were NOT from a third trimester pregnancy.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

      For reals? A sinister grandma keeps something like that.

  22. Northerngirl January 26, 2011 at 12:29 pm #

    I wonder what these professioals are thinking if they have heard baez ask for 45 days due to his experts not having enough time to submitt their findings…I would think appaled! After all these experts depend on their solid reputations for further potental income…any other defense lawyer would have to think twice upon retaining now baez is pointing the finger at them and accusing them of the same unethical lazy behavior as his own…I am sure HHJP is awear of this and judges baez with a huge no more extentions..5 days to submitt their written report or not allowed!

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 1:08 pm #

      This is a great point which I had not considered. The experts may be suffering professional reputation loss because of Baez. Some of them probably deserve it for signing up with him, but since most are not from the Orlando area, they were probably unfamiliar with either the case or Baez when they accepted. With the exception of Dr. Lee and possibly the Netherlanders and the bug guy, I haven’t seen any of the experts seek publicity. Even Lee and the others have stayed very quiet, so it’s hard to see what they expected to gain from their involvement.

  23. shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:36 pm #

    It seems to me. After I am through with a client, I write up a report as soon as I am done before even seeing another client. I know of some Dr’s who speak in a recorder as to their findings or even after a check up. It only take a few mins of time, NOT DAYS. How are they going to remember after a long period of time what they found? Doesn’t make sense to me.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:42 pm #

      Baez is just playing with the State, and Ashton will call him on it. Baez needs more height in those elevator shoes he wears to butt heads with Ashton.

      • Northerngirl January 26, 2011 at 12:46 pm #

        LOL..they don’t make lifts for mens shoes that would reach high enough…maybe baez should consider a pair of womans high heels..after all he whin like one.

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:49 pm #

        LOL northerngirl! Are you northernCali like Kat?

  24. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    Shyloh-You are correct. Imagine a retainer of 89K for Neglect of a Child. I think this charge presupposes that the child is alive. Katprint help me out here.

    Venice-We will find out at trial if Casey was followed by a OB-GYN specialist. I remember reading in D. Fanning’s book that when Cindy, George and Casey went to her brother Rick’s wedding Cindy announced that Casey was having “female problems”. Cindy has a way with lies and manipulation but often those in possession of a couple of brain cells usually didn’t believe her. Have you ever seen the wedding picture that Casey appeared in? This picture speaks volumes about just how far Cindy would go to either protect Casey or herself. She even said to her brother, ‘You know you have to have sex to get pregnant’ (not a direct quote but pretty close). I think anyone who would say something like this is either damaged or afraid of the consequences for telling the truth.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:47 pm #

      I remember Cindy stated…”noone will ever know who Caylee’s father is”. I wonder why she said that?

      • shyloh January 26, 2011 at 1:03 pm #

        Maybe because Casey really didn’t know. So she blamed it on Jesus Ortez the young man that died in an auto accident. I think LE went along with that.

    • shyloh January 26, 2011 at 12:51 pm #

      ‘You know you have to have sex to get pregnant’

      That is what Casey told Cindy. And I tell you what. This family needs to be UNDER THE SCOPE. Do some research to see how they tick. UNBELIVABLE!!!!

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 12:55 pm #

        For reals! They need to preserve all of their brains after they die (like Jeffrey Dahmer). Boy, what a study that would be.

  25. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 1:44 pm #

    It was Casey who said, “You have to have sex to get pregnant”? I didn’t know that. I suppose she thought she immaculately conceived!

    • shyloh January 26, 2011 at 1:48 pm #

      haha. Let me sneeze to see if I can get conformation.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 2:24 pm #

      It’s what KC told George and Cindy when they questioned her about being pregnant. Classic non-answer.

      Are you pregnant? I would have to have sex to be pregnant.

      Notice, this is not a “yes” or “no”, it is a misdirection designed to make the questioner believe they have received the answer they desired.

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

        Casey and her manipulative mind games. Well, look where they got her now.

  26. Molly January 26, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

    I remember hearing (from cindy) that the identity of caylee’s daddy is sealed by the FBI. now i don’t know why the fbi would seal this info. either she doesn’t really know who it was or she doesn’t want anyone to know who it is.

    • shyloh January 27, 2011 at 9:55 am #

      Cindy thought it was Jesse Grund. Then someone else. This family is so confused.

  27. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    I shouldn’t be surprised. Ms Anthony can lie and lie some more and Cindy can sit there unmoved by her daughter’s pregnancy and have her brother agonize over whether or not Casey is experiencing “tumor growth” that is going untreated.

    Shyloh and Venice, I am going to get that book and double check. If you are right than my feelings about what went on in that home are far more sinister than I ever imagined.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 2:05 pm #

      I ALWAYS had a sinister feeling of what went on. I guess I’ll find out at trial if I am right.

  28. Molly January 26, 2011 at 1:58 pm #

    anon – it was cindy who said “you have to have sex to get pregnant”.
    she’s a piece of work that one!

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 2:25 pm #

      Now that y’all are talking about this quote, Molly is also right. Cindy said this is what she was told by KC. So did KC really say it?

      Who knows?

      Now that I am really thinking about it, I believe it was Rick who said Cindy said this to him stating it was said by KC…

  29. MsBingo January 26, 2011 at 2:12 pm #

    Ugh! I never heard that about J. Baez possibly removing a jar with an umbilical cord? Who would keep stuff like that unless you lived in a lab at a medical school? Jefrey Dahmer kept eyeballs and male genetalia but we know what he was up to.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

      It’s almost like there was a concentrated effort by both Baez and the Anthonys to remove all DNA traces of Caylee from the reach of the investigators. Just like the hairbrush…

      • Venice January 26, 2011 at 2:27 pm #


  30. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 2:47 pm #

    The four instances where everyone else but Casey talked about her pregnancy. Shyloh you were right.

    This is what Dianne Fanning says about three of the incidents relating to Casey’s pregnancy:
    “Jesse Grund met Casey Anthony shortly after New Years Day in 2005. Casey met Jesse Grund at Universal. Jesse worked in loss prevention. Jesse and Casey began dating at the end of the month but to his dismay Casey got serious right away. Two weeks into the relationship Casey said “I’m in love with you”. That level of commitment, that soon, was intimidating to the young man. Even though Jesse felt the stirrings of love in his heart for Casey, he stopped dating her”. Okay. This is where it gets interesting.
    “But Casey didn’t step out of his life. She helped Jesse’s brother get a job at Kodak and kept coming to the Grund house to see Jesse. In June Mr Grund said, “Who is that girl” and Jesse said, “That’s Casey, the girl I dated for a while earlier this year.”Well, son, she’s pregnant, said Mr Grund.
    Oh, no. No. She’s only got female problems. I asked her about that, Jesse exclaimed. “That’s what she’s told everybody, including her family”. A month later Jesse gets a call from Casey and she tells him, “I’m pregnant and your the father. That’s it”.
    Gentiva employees all remarked on Casey’s pregnancy yet Cindy never told any of her co-workers that she was to become a grandmother in August.
    Rick, Cindy’s brother planned his second marriage for June 4, 2005, the day of his 51st Birthday. He only wanted a few people at his beach wedding but his mother asked him to invite Cindy and George. They all drove together. Casey took a flight from Orlando to South Carolina. Lee Anthony drove Casey to the airport and said, “Listen, if you are pregnant, or something’s going on, tell me. Be honest with me.”
    “No, Lee, she said, “I’m just bloated.”

    “Rick didn’t know that Casey was coming to the wedding. He took a closer look at the 19 year old. She was wearing a tight fitting, stretchy, power blue top that left her lower stomach exposed and protruding. Her belly button poked out about a half inch”.

    As soon as he could, he pulled his sister and brother-in-law off to the side. “Cindy, George, what’s up with Casey? The couple looked at him with puzzled expressions. “What?” they both asked. (cut a lot of convo out) “Rick my daughter has female problems. She has a tumor on her ovaries.” Then Cindy says,

    “Casey told me that she’d have to have sex first in order to have a baby, and she did not have sex with anyone”.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 2:51 pm #

      Good Lord! Thanks for all the info. Anon!

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 3:13 pm #

      This is an excellent example of what we don’t know KC said.

      Although it is easily believable to any of us following the case KC said and did these things, everything is from a source other than KC, so we have trouble verifying any of it.

      However, we have no reason to believe Jesse or the Gentiva employees would lie. But with Jesse, he is intimately involved in the details of the case and does have individual motivations to tell a story which makes him look the best. Doesn’t mean he lied, but like all of us, his memory is most likely self-centered and somewhat ego driven.

      The quote from Cindy really struck me when I first read it when Rick’s interviews were released. However, Rick definitively has an ax to grind against his sister and all of his testimony, while completely believable and most likely true, is colored by his view of her. And he is quoting Cindy who is quoting KC, making for the telephone game. I believe KC said the thing about needing to have sex to have a baby to Cindy, but I think Cindy added the “she did not have sex with anyone” herself.

      This is exactly why detectives have to gather so much testimony, to compare it all together and pull out the truth which threads through all of it.

      • shyloh January 27, 2011 at 10:06 am #

        “Although it is easily believable to any of us following the case KC said and did these things, everything is from a source other than KC, so we have trouble verifying any of it.”

        Even the Jay Blanchard park story. Didn’t Cindy and George start that one cause the Sawgrass story fell apart? I don’t recall Casey ever changing her story. I could be wrong!!!

  31. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 3:05 pm #

    Bull-I like your analysis of things. The “misdirection”. They say things which often times leaves the listener dumbfounded and confused. Many adults who deal with psychopaths outside of jails confront a psychopath at their own peril.

    If they are found in the workplace they are the ones who no one confronts and everyone praises. This is how fully integrated people avoid a run in with someone who has the potential to rob everyone around them of their dignity while undermining their workplace skills.

    When this type of person leaves for the day they usually live with someone who fears them 24/7.

  32. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 3:09 pm #

    Venice-Info gleaned from Diane Fanning’s “Mommy’s Little Girl” (pages 81-84)I don’t know how to underline the title.

  33. MsBingo January 26, 2011 at 3:42 pm #

    I saw (2 years ago, I think) a pic of Casey w/family at her uncle rick’s wedding (June 4,2005). I’m no doctor but it was OBVIOUS Casey was 3rd trimester pregnant. I think Caylee was born 8/9/2005? Googled the last half hour and can’t find that picture that was everywhere on the net a few years ago. Does anybody have it and can post it here? Thank you

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 3:55 pm #

      I remember seeing that picture, and she definetely looked far along in her pregnancy.

  34. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 3:46 pm #

    Yes, Bull you are right. Casey really never said anything but more than likely just sat there and allowed her parents to make fools of themselves. The end of the quote “and she didn’t have sex with anyone” is more than likely Cindy’s add on phrase. It’s true that we can’t verify things but they sound an awful lot like what Hare describes as “psychopathic speech”.

    Molly-Who would say these kinds of things and think that anyone would believe her? It’s incredible to think that these types of people get away with it for years and years. God willing Ms Anthony will find a home with like minded “twisted sisters” and they can all confuse each other for the rest of their lives. See how she likes it when the facts hit her square in the head-like when she has to walk to the shower wearing wrest, waist and ankle shackels.

    • bullstopper January 26, 2011 at 4:17 pm #

      Oh, I agree they all sound like things she said and psychopathic.

      However, I focus on the actual words used. In these instances, the words remain valuable because they tell us about the speaker, but not truly about the object of the speech. So, we learn a lot about Rick, we deduce some about Cindy, and we receive an impression of KC. It’s all important and useful, more so because we are aware of the limitations of the truth inherent in the words of one talking about another relating words of another.

      But this illustrates another problem which drives me crazy. If you really look closely at the media articles about any single event in this case, you can find the same quote from Jose or Mason or anyone else used by multiple news agencies, but each one reports the exact wording differently. Since this blog depends upon the exact wording, I am often forced to transpose directly from video or audio myself. On this article, I didn’t, I used the source article. Which always makes me nervous about the exactness of the quotes. The gist comes through, but the random “that” or “this” is ever so important.

  35. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 4:20 pm #

    Ms Bingo-I believe I saw that picture at The Hinky Meter. I could be wrong. If I get a chance I will go back there and check it out. I don’t know how to post a photo but will post a link.

  36. Rose January 26, 2011 at 4:21 pm #

    you would think with cindy being a nurse that 1) if casey did have a tumor she would have sought medical help for casey, or 2) would have known if casey was pregnant.

    either cindy is as good a liar as casey or she really sucks at being a nurse.

  37. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    Bull-You do a fine job. Even though you don’t “implicate” Hare, your “narrative insights” are so interesting. I like to get a bird’s eye view of words and what is the intended or unintended meaning. Keep on writing.

  38. Anonymous January 26, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

    Rose-That’s what Casey and Cindy do best. They tell you one thing which floors you and in the next breath they say something even more incomprehensible. Like going from a tumor to how conception takes place. I think of these types of people as hanging from high buildings waiting for someone to rescue them.

    I just think Rick was so dumbfounded by her statement(s)and probably worn down from years of having conversations which went nowhere fast to bother responding to her. But after Caylee went missing he let her have it-right between the eyes.

    The emails he sent were a testament to love in so many ways. There was no helping Cindy. No matter how much Casey mocks, manipulates and deceives her she will defend her daughter till the day she dies.

    • Venice January 26, 2011 at 8:56 pm #

      I also viewed his letters as a “tough love” for his sister. but, not the jbmission. Rick was numero uno for a while in the slander department.

  39. Whip January 26, 2011 at 9:01 pm #

    Of course she won’t plea……they already tried it and failed miserably as they didn’t like the States’s terms for a plea deal.

    • shyloh January 27, 2011 at 10:21 am #

      You can view that photo of Casey here

      • Venice January 27, 2011 at 12:25 pm #

        This family is beyond words. Anthonys=The Twilight Zone.

  40. MsBingo January 27, 2011 at 11:59 am #

    Thanks, Shyloh – that is the one. How could nurse Cindy mistake that profile?

    • shyloh January 27, 2011 at 1:06 pm #

      You are welcome.

  41. Anonymous January 27, 2011 at 4:59 pm #

    Thanks shyloh. Yea, who could stand there and say she was not pregnant? They are truly strange people. It certainly wasn’t the worst thing anyone could have done. Look how she used every credit card and the extent to which she went to commit fraud while living with both parents who looked the other way for years. She took every cent they owned and it was only in March of 08 that Cindy started to wise up before she was bankrupted by her “devoted daughter, the wonderful mother”.

  42. shyloh January 27, 2011 at 11:05 pm #

    “Yea, who could stand there and say she was not pregnant? ”

    Only the Anthony Family!!!

    You are welcome!

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